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Turbanum: what is it, useful properties and contraindications

In early spring, when the human body acutely feels the lack of vitamins, nature gives him an invaluable source of nutrients - ramson. This wild perennial herb is abundantly endowed with beneficial properties. It was widely used in ancient times by Slavic peoples for the preparation of ingenuous peasant dishes.

Found a use of ramson and folk healers. To this day, in the treatment of many diseases, recipes are used, which include wild garlic - that is how the people most commonly call this unpretentious plant. By the way, this perennial herb with a characteristic odor has many names: bulb, bear onion, wild lily of the valley and others. Let's consider what is the value of this representative of the onion subfamily, how to use the plant competently in cooking and folk treatment.

What is ramson and where it grows

Turmeric is undemanding to the conditions of life, so the plant is distributed virtually throughout Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Turkey, Siberia, the Far East of Russia and the Primorye. Only in areas of the Far North is wild onion practically nonexistent. In the wild, the plant quickly takes over new territories, but it likes to settle most of all near water bodies, in meadows, in forest thickets. As soon as the snow melts in spring, the ramson, feeling the warmth of the sun, breaks through the soil with thin grasses. When bears wake up after a long winter's hibernation, they love to eat fresh herbs. This is the reason why ramson is called a bear's onion. Such vitamin diet helps the owner of the forest to restore strength, because in early spring the plant is full of vitamins and useful minerals.

The benefits and harms of ramson

But closer to summer the bulb becomes bitter and hard. Interestingly, this wild plant with a specific garlicky smell is collected not only by the roamers, but also by people who prefer a vegetarian diet. Admittedly, this trade can be dangerous without knowledge, as there are varieties of poisonous ramson that can easily be poisoned. Only experienced herbalists know where the "bear meadows" are, where you can gather a rich harvest of vitamin greens.

On the outside, ramson looks modest. Under favorable conditions, the plant can reach a height of up to half a meter, and at the time of flowering, umbrella-like white inflorescences appear at the very top. It is the flowers that make it easy to distinguish the lily of the field from the wild garlic. It is also worth adding that owing to the caustic essential component, which is released by the plant's leaves, wild garlic can expand its habitat at an amazing rate, forcing its neighbors out of its living space.

Is it included in the Red Book?

In recent years, scientists have been sounding the alarm about the rapid extermination of ramson in different regions. Therefore, in some areas of the Russian Federation the plant is included in the Red Book. Similar actions have been taken in many neighboring countries: Belarus, Ukraine, and the EU states. Systematic conservation measures are aimed at preserving the population of this unique plant.

Composition and calories

If used properly, the ramson has a whole range of positive effects on the human body: it strengthens defenses, destroys pathogens, normalizes the course of important processes, shows remarkable abilities in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Of course, such a wide range of possibilities can be provided only by the components included in the plant. The set of useful ingredients of ramson may well compete with the representatives of the overseas flora. Despite its wild lifestyle, this plant contains a lot of useful substances.

Let's list only the main groups of components, which are rich in bear onions:

  1. Vitamin complex is represented in all the variety of B vitamins.
  2. High levels of ascorbic acid, folic acid and provitamin A.
  3. There are vital organic acids.
  4. Irreplaceable amino acids.
  5. Mineral salts, including: boron, iodine, iron, zinc and other representatives of this group.
  6. There are fructose and natural poly- and monosugars.
  7. Essential oils are also present in large concentrations in the plant, especially in its leaves.
  8. Starch, ash, phytoncides, and also in large quantities there is fiber.

Nutritional value of this plant product (in 100 grams of ramson):

  • Proteins - 2.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 6,1 gr.
  • Fats - 0,1 gr.
  • Dietary fibers - 1 gr.
  • Water - 89 gr.

The caloric value of a hundred grams serving of fresh wild garlic is about 35 kcal, which is relatively low.

Useful properties of ramson

Useful properties of ramson

General benefits

For centuries, ramson has gained popularity in many different spheres of life. Therefore, today it is difficult to name an industry where it is used more. The rich composition of the wild perennial is in demand in cooking, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetology. The inconspicuous plant has a complex effect on the human body, normalizing many vital functions:

  1. Stimulates digestion.
  2. Improves appetite.
  3. Eliminates constipation.
  4. Helps regular cleansing of the intestines.
  5. Due to the presence of phytoncides herb destroys worms.
  6. Effective against colds and viral infections.
  7. Helps to bring down a fever.
  8. Stabilizes hormonal background.
  9. Lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
  10. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
  11. Positively affect the preparations based on the bulb on the state of the nervous system.
  12. The plant is useful for treating wounds and inflammatory foci, for example, with furunculosis.

This is not a complete list of possibilities of ramson. Therefore, when treating a number of pathologies, medics often recommend including this useful herb in the complex of therapy. But in order for the treatment to be really productive, it is necessary to know about some nuances of using wild garlic. Let us tell you what effects the plant has on people depending on their age, condition and gender.

For women

Although the powerful garlic aroma emanating from ramson makes sophisticated ladies wrinkle their noses, the plant is very useful for women's health. Its presence of nicotinic acid has a positive effect on hair and nails. B vitamins ensure the stability of the nervous system, and these components can cope with the negative effects of stress.

Fresh herbs are ideal for dietary weight loss, and essential oils help improve the quality of sexuality.

For Men

One of the main indicators of male health is good potency. Some components of the flask composition are able to provide a persistent erection for men of any age. By the way, even the ancient Greeks used this property of the healing herb to achieve victories on the love front.

Modern scientists have confirmed by numerous studies that the regular use of wild garlic increases the desire for the opposite sex. If you regularly add fresh vegetation in spring salads, it will not only help to avoid problems in bed, but also will serve as a good preventive measure against diseases of the male genital sphere.

When pregnant

But pregnant women are strictly forbidden to use bear onions. Despite the high content of vitamins and other useful substances in the wild vegetation, such a supplement can cause miscarriage and other complications of pregnancy. It is true that some nutritionists recommend adding nutritious greens to food in moderate portions during the late gestation period. But taking into account all the possible risks, future mothers are better to give up such gastronomic variety.

Video: How to eat right during pregnancy Expand

When breastfeeding

The specific smell of ramson gives the mother's milk a bitter taste. Therefore, babies refuse to breastfeed if the mother adds ramson to the dishes. In turn, hunger will provoke sleep disorders in the child and may even cause illness. Not cured after childbirth, wild onions can also cause considerable damage to the woman's body, for example, worsening gastritis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the pancreas. All of these factors indicate that during lactation the bulb will do more harm than good.

For children

The vitamin-rich composition of rampson will help to cope with any manifestations of avitaminosis after a meager winter diet. But in children's menus add nutritious greens should be very careful. Until the age of two such plant additives should not be included at all, and on the third year of life baby can give him a couple of leaves of the plant once a week. But it must be remembered that an overdose can lead to intestinal disorders, sleep disorders, heart palpitations, headaches.

In addition, parents need to be extremely careful with the choice of greens: due to the similarity in appearance, you can often find wild lily of the valley in a bunch of ramson, which is dangerous for children's health. If the child is prone to allergic manifestations, it is better to postpone acquaintance with ramson to a later date.

To all this it remains to add that when used properly, bear onion helps to heal from sciatica and rheumatism, warts and papillomas. This plant is considered a universal remedy for fungal infections and worm infestations.

Usefulness of pickled and salted ramson

In cooking around the world, bear onion has found a wide application. The traditional cuisine of the different nationalities inhabiting the Russian territories is no exception. But among the huge variety of dishes with ramson, in which the peculiarities of each national cuisine are clearly traced, there is a common gastronomic delicacy for all - marinades and pickles.

Usefulness of pickled and salted rampson

To prepare such a very tasty snack, it is necessary to prepare an enamel bowl with a capacity of at least 5 liters. For such a volume it is necessary to prepare the marinade separately: for 1.2 liters of water take 190 ml of table vinegar (9%), some black pepper, 3-4 bay leaves, sugar (3 tbsp.), coarse salt (2 tbsp.). The marinade should be brought to a boil, and then pour it cooked in a pot greens of fresh ramson. After the solution of natural preservative cools down, the dish can be placed for a couple of days in the refrigerator or put in the cellar.

Pickled bulb leaves can be added to various dishes or eaten alone. Such an addition to the diet in the spring will increase performance, normalize digestion, and add positivity to the mood.

Video: How to pickle ramson Expand

What is the usefulness of ramson for weight loss

The low calorie content of fresh ramson makes the plant attractive in terms of inclusion in the diet for weight loss. But it should be taken into account that the caloric value of fried vegetable product increases almost three times - up to 124 kcal. Therefore, for weight loss it is advisable to use fresh stems and leaves of the plant, which are an excellent ingredient for vitamin salads. Fresh herbs can be added to soups.

The ramsons are excellent with the following vegetables:

  • cucumbers;
  • bell peppers;
  • tomatoes;
  • green onions;
  • cabbage.

A hearty dish will turn out if you combine wild onions with boiled eggs. It is best to cook food in vegetable oil, but you can dress the dishes with non-fat sour cream and yogurt. Forming a weight loss program with the inclusion of ramson in the diet, it should be taken into account that this plant helps to increase appetite. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly observe the norm, as well as it is necessary to be sure to control the amount of food consumed.

A diet containing bulb will improve the metabolism and metabolism, which is very important when losing weight. The components of the composition of the plant excellently remove excess fluid from the body. If salads and second courses with the addition of wild garlic do not like, you can brew healing tea, the regular use of which will also stimulate weight loss. The drink is prepared from finely chopped fresh herbs (1 tbsp) by normal brewing. After half an hour of infusion, the tea can be drunk three times a day before the main meal, half a glass.

Special diet on the basis of ramson experts have not yet developed, but the natural product will be appropriate in any low-calorie diet, aimed at productive weight loss. However, in the process of such a diet, it is necessary to monitor your own health, and at the slightest deterioration immediately stop the use of ramson.

Video: Proper diet for weight loss Expand

Moreover, ramson in medicine

In traditional medicine, wild garlic in pure form is not used, but physicians willingly recommend patients with various pathologies to add vitaminized herbs to the diet or prepare on its basis folk remedies. Home remedies are actively used for the following purposes:

  • To combat worm infestations;
  • elimination of mycosis manifestations on the skin and nail plates;
  • strengthening the immune system in viral infections;
  • cough relief in bronchitis;
  • In the treatment of skin formations (lichen, corns).

In addition to these effects, bear onion has a moderate diuretic property, well toned and rejuvenates the skin. If you regularly drink healing tea with ramson, the body will be cleaned of toxic products and free radicals. But, as mentioned above, this wild herb requires caution. Separately, let's break down in which diseases the bulb will contribute to a speedy recovery, and when it is not worth using the perennial for treatment.

For diabetes mellitus

Endocrinologists strongly recommend diabetic patients to supplement their daily diet with fresh herbs. Since ramson has an almost ideal ratio of the main nutrients, as well as a high percentage of vitamins, this vegetable product will be extremely useful for them. Adding fresh herbs to salads will help lower blood sugar levels. But marinades and pickles with wild garlic are contraindicated for such patients.

Important: The glycemic index of ramson is 15 units.

In pancreatitis.

The pancreas always reacts negatively to such additives as spices. Therefore, with pancreatitis, you should not even consider including bear onions in the diet. Moreover, such strict restrictions also apply to home remedies prepared on the basis of the bulb. The fact is that the leaves and stems of the plant are very rich in ascorbic acid, which is considered a prohibited component for people suffering from various forms of pancreatitis. Neglecting this rule can provoke an aggravation of the process, even in the stage of stable remission.

For gastritis

An undesirable product is a bulb for patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer disease of the stomach. Such a spicy additive is not only dangerous to health, it can become a serious threat to the life of the patient. The use of such spice, even in small doses, can aggravate the condition and cause serious complications. For example, with ulcers, the diet with ramson can cause bleeding. Therefore, experts advise not to take risks with such an ambiguous food product.

For the intestines

For a healthy stomach and intestines, bear onion is simply necessary. It can be used for the prevention of digestive disorders, as well as for the elimination of minor disorders such as constipation. Among other things, ramson is good to use for dysbacteriosis. There are two effective options for restoring normal microflora with the help of this unique herb:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the fresh leaves of the bulb, and then drink it before each meal with a tablespoon.
  2. This method is more complicated, because you will have to first prepare an infusion of wild garlic bulbs, for which a teaspoon of leaves should be steeped with 300 ml of boiling water. After an hour's infusion of wild onions, you should drink 2 tablespoons shortly before a meal.

In gout

Since in gout there is a significant disruption of metabolic processes, with the help of ramson you can minimize the negative effects of this widespread disease of the joints. Any methods of treatment are allowed: local - in the form of compresses and rubbing, you can take inside prepared infusions with ramson. But the most effective will be a complex treatment of gout, when folk methods are connected to help the main therapy.

Recipes of folk medicine on the basis of ramson

All parts of the bear onion are suitable for preparing home remedies. Here are a few popular recipes that will help cope with various diseases.

Recipes of folk medicine on the basis of ramson

Versatile recipe

Fresh juice of ramson is ideal for treating wounds and pustular elements. If it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, then the resulting solution can be gargled with a sore throat or treat the oral cavity with stomatitis in children. Such a composition can be dripped into the nose with a runny nose.

Milk thistle ointment for eczema

To prepare this external remedy you will need fresh herbs. Preliminary raw material is crushed to get a mushy mass, then a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil and apple cider vinegar is added to it. The resulting mixture is recommended to apply to the affected areas of eczema in the first few days for 4-6 hours, and on subsequent days you should leave the ointment on all night. This effective remedy will accelerate the process of resolution of the pathology, as well as relieve unpleasant symptoms: itching, irritation.

Infusion for joint health

A medicine that will help to get rid of pain in sciatica, arthritis and other joint problems, can be prepared in a few minutes. It is best to carry out this type of treatment in the season when you can easily gather fresh plant material - leaves and bulbs of ramson. Raw materials in the amount of 20 grams should be crushed, and then steeped with a glass of boiling water. When the infusion cools, it should be rubbed into the problem areas.

Alcoholic tincture

At home it is better to prepare such a preparation with vodka. In this case, you can use both fresh herbs and harvested raw materials. Several tablespoons of the base (2-3) pour the alcoholic product, and then leave to infuse for several weeks (1.5 months). The resulting remedy can treat:

  • lingering cough;
  • Persistent runny nose (need to insert the tampon into each nasal passage);
  • Rheumatism and gout (used as a rubbing agent);
  • for normalization of pressure;
  • for edema the tincture will act as a diuretic;
  • In manifestations of atherosclerosis.

For internal use, 30 drops of tincture should be diluted with a little water and drunk on an empty stomach.

Prepared in this way, the tincture will help to activate the brain. Do not exclude such a treatment option as chewing fresh leaves of ramson. Such a method will ensure a clean mouth and healthy teeth.

The use of ramson in cosmetology

Irreplaceable in such an area as cosmetology. The warming properties of the plant help to combat intense hair loss.

  1. Effective against baldness is a mask prepared according to the following recipe. Freshly squeezed juice of bear onion should be applied to the root part of the hair, then wrap the head with polyethylene. During the action of the medicine, you will feel a burning sensation, which is explained by the rush of blood to the area where the remedy is applied. Due to such a reaction, there is a positive effect on the hair follicle. After the procedure, each bulb receives oxygen and the necessary supply of nutrients. After several sessions the rapid loss of hair usually stops, and the owners of baldness begin to break through the vegetation.
  2. Bleaching composition will help get rid of freckles and age spots on the face. Prepare it from fresh ramson pulp, mixed with sour milk and lemon juice. All the ingredients are well mixed, and then the nourishing mixture is applied to the face. After 15-20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm water, and moisturizing cream should be applied to the skin after the procedure. After several sessions, freckles become barely noticeable.
  3. Fresh bulb juice is effective for acne and pimples. It is enough to wipe the dermis in the evenings with the natural elixir, so that no trace of unpleasant defects is left.
Video: 11 face masks that can be done in a minute Expand

Harms and Contraindications

Any plant, especially such a specific one as ramson, in addition to the positive qualities, has its own disadvantages of use. For example, the fresh juice of the plant is very aggressive in properties, so it should be carefully used for ingestion. But there are complete contraindications to the use of this plant in any form. This list includes:

  1. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding in women.
  2. Do not take oral tinctures, decoctions, teas with bear onions to persons suffering from gastritis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis and some other diseases of the digestive system.
  3. Patients with epilepsy are also contraindicated from this product.
  4. Do not use in any form of ramson and those who have an individual intolerance of this perennial or any individual components of its composition.

To prevent side effects from an overdose of the herbal remedy, it is necessary to follow the instructions for use and observe the proper dosage. If you do not adhere to this rule, the excessive use of the bulb can lead to persistent insomnia, diarrhea, serious cardiac dysfunction.

The most reasonable thing is to do a sensitivity test by applying a drop of fresh juice to the inside of the elbow bend before taking the medicine and adding the greens to the diet. If after 24 hours the skin in this place remains unchanged, then you can use ramson.

How to choose and store ramson

How to choose and store lettuce

Bear onions are best harvested in late spring or early summer. But you can buy the useful plant from herbalists at the market. If properly stored perennial, you can prepare vitamin-rich dishes all year round or use the raw material for treatment. When buying a bulb at the market, you should pay attention to:

  • on the smell - it should be garlicky;
  • the quality of the greens - the leaves should be without damage and signs of wiltiness.

For long-term storage it is best to dry or freeze the ramson. But there are less radical ways of storing plant material:

  • vacuum bags;
  • A container with water.

However, with these two methods, the storage period is short.

To dry the leaves of bear onions, you need to spread the clean parts of the plant in a dark, well-ventilated room. When the material is completely dry, it should be ground into flour and then stored in a paper bag. Some herbalists suggest drying ramson in the oven at 40ºC with the door open. True, this method does not allow you to preserve all the useful components.

There is another storage option - canning fresh leaves in a jar: per 1 kg of ramson - 700 g of salt.

Is it possible to freeze

It has already been noted above that freezing is the best way to preserve all the nutrient ingredients. But first the raw material should be prepared for long-term storage by freezing: the leaves should be carefully washed, then finely chopped, placed in bags, sent to the freezer. The maximum shelf life of the frozen product - 6 months.

Video: Ways to make ramson for the winter Expand

What can be cooked from ramson: Recipes

A lot of tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared with ramson. This plant with its specific garlicky smell can be the base of pie fillings or the main ingredient in an original salad. The plant fresh component can be added to baked fish and meat. Prepare extremely tasty soups with ramson.

Here are a few recipes as an example.


An ordinary meal and a festive table will decorate a salad made of the following components:

  • ramson - 1 bundle;
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pieces;
  • radish - 150 g
  • cucumber - 100 gr;
  • Canned corn - 1 jar.

Cut ramson and vegetables, it is better to divide the eggs into slices. After mixing the main ingredients, the salad should be dressed with sour cream, and before serving, the top can be decorated with herbs and egg crumbs.

Turmeric soup

In the first dishes, bear chives should be added a couple of minutes before removing the soup from the fire. But you can try making a delicious puree soup with the following recipe:

  1. First the potatoes, plain onions are sliced in any shape.
  2. The bunch of ramson should be cut in large fragments.
  3. The onion is previously stewed in vegetable oil (1 tbsp), then the vegetable broth is added to the pot, and then all the other preparations are sent.
  4. The soup is boiled until the potatoes are ready.
  5. At the end of cooking, it is necessary to add salt, pepper, 30 ml of dry wine (white), sour cream to taste. Before serving, it is recommended to whip the mashed potato soup with a blender.

Roasted ramson

Turmeric combines harmoniously with potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini. Therefore, you can cook combined dishes with it or fry only one product. We offer the simplest version of the delicious dish:

  1. Soak the ramson (800 g) in warm water for half an hour before cooking.
  2. Pour some water into a frying pan, add a couple of spoons of oil, put the greens.
  3. Braise the dish for 10 minutes on low heat.
  4. If liquid remains, you need to put the flask on a colander.
  5. Then the rampson is again placed on the pan, the remaining oil (2 spoons), tomato paste (350 g) and spices are added.
  6. It takes another ten minutes to stew the dish, and after cooling it can be served to the table.

A combination of rampson and mushrooms turns out very tasty.

Korean style rampson

Often this salad is sold at vegetable markets, but it can be easily prepared at home. For this you will need:

  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • mix of spicy herbs - 10 gr;
  • ramson - 4 bunches.

Cooking process: first you need to boil water, then put all the ramson, cook a little to remove the smell. Boiled greens tossed in a colander to drain the water. Then put the greens in a salad bowl, add grated carrots and all the spices. Then mix oil in a separate bowl, bring it to the boil, pour it into the salad bowl, and stir quickly. After cooling, the dish can be served.

How to cook rampson for the winter

Above we have already described ways to prepare rampson for winter storage. Some housewives prefer to freeze the greens, others prefer to dry the vegetable product. But few people know that bear onions can be fermented and pickled. But you can also put chopped leaves and stems in jars, and then completely fill the green mass with vegetable oil. Such a preparation should be stored for no more than three months.

Video: Three versatile dishes of ramson Expand

Can I give parrots ramson?

Can I give parrots sweet cherry?

Although most plants are good for bird health, ramson, with its high ester content, can cause incessant diarrhea in parrots. Therefore, the bulb should not be given to birds.

How to get rid of the smell of ramson from the mouth

The characteristic garlic odor after eating ramson can be removed in several ways:

  • chewing mint leaves;
  • hold a pinch of dry mustard in your mouth for a while;
  • Dill and green tea are good at masking unpleasant odors;
  • Fresh milk has long been used to neutralize bad breath;
  • coffee beans if chewed will do the job just fine.

Interesting facts about ramson

  1. Germans revere ramson and even hold colorful festivals in honor of this wild plant. In Germany, many dishes are prepared with the bulb and even added to dough for baking bread.
  2. In the Caucasus, bear onions are mixed with cheese, and then traditional Ossetian pies are baked with this filling.
  3. Thanks to archaeological excavations, it was found that as early as 5 millennia ago, ramson was used by the Celts and Romans as a preventive measure during epidemics of cholera and plague.

«Important: All information on this site is provided solely for informational for informational purposes only. Before applying any recommendations, consult a health care professional. specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors shall be liable for any possible harm caused by materials."

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Vladimir Vasilievich.
It's strange, somehow! In folk medicine - used for all diseases, but in traditional medicine - nowhere! Only - tips. The same is written about garlic. Garlic is not used anywhere in medicine.


