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Oversalted porridge: what to do and how to fix it?

Every hostess at least once in her life has over-salted porridge. This happens for completely different reasons. At the same time, it is a shame to throw out food in such a situation. The first logical solution to this problem is to rinse the porridge urgently under running water. This should be done as soon as you notice excessive salt in the dish. Also such porridge can be saved by boiling the same amount of a new portion. There is no need to salt it when cooking, and after you just need to mix one portion of porridge with another, and you get a perfect salt ratio.

How to save over-salted pea porridge

How to save over-salted pea porridge

Pea porridge can be saved in the two ways described above (rinse in water or cook the same amount of new portion). But with this type of porridge it is possible to do otherwise. It makes a delicious pea soup, and you do not have to salt it. All you need to do is to add water, chopped potatoes, onions and carrots. If the amount of over-salted peas is large, divide everything into bags and put in the freezer. Nothing will happen to the peas, but if necessary, you can take out a bag and make a delicious soup.

If you do not want to bother with soup - make patties. To do this, make mashed potatoes without adding salt. After that, combine the mashed potatoes, fried onions and carrots. Next, make or buy your favorite dough, and you can consume the filling. The patties turn out very tasty.

What to do if over-salted oatmeal porridge

If the porridge is already cooked, it should be rinsed and, pouring unsalted water, let stand for 20 minutes. After that, drain the liquid, rinse the dish well and, adding a small amount of water, boil it. After such actions, the porridge should be tasty and with a minimum amount of salt.

How to remove excess salt from millet porridge

If the porridge has not yet had time to boil, the best solution is to drain the water, rinse the dish and, adding groats, put to boil until fully cooked.

The finished dish is saved with a new portion of unsalted millet. When the unsalted porridge is ready - just mix them and the salt will be evenly distributed in the required amount.

If the porridge is not too over-salted - add some fatty product (cream or sour cream). Able to soften over-salted food and stewed vegetables.

Soothe other types of porridge


If you want to remove excess salt from the porridge - salted rice should be rinsed with hot water, while stirring thoroughly, so that each rice rinse and get rid of excess salt. If such actions did not help to get rid of the salty taste - boil unsalted rice and combine with over-salted rice.

How to remove excess salt from rice porridge

If the porridge is not yet cooked, you can add various vegetables to the rice. In such situations, potatoes are mainly used. It should be peeled, washed and, sliced, throw it in with the rice to cook. It will draw out the excess salt from the grits. In this way it will be possible to eat not only rice, but also potatoes.

If over-salted rice porridge was on milk, then get rid of the excess salt will help to add a portion of milk or cream. If such manipulation did not help, then you can cook additional rice and mix the two types.


To all of the above methods of getting rid of salt, you can add the preparation of unsalted garnish. For example, cook goulash without adding salt to it. Adding the cooked goulash to the over-salted buckwheat will distribute the salt.

To dilute the salt in the buckwheat, you can make a sweet and sour sauce. Sour and sweet take away some of the saltiness, thereby mitigating the over-salt.

It is possible to make lazy cabbage rolls out of over-salted buckwheat porridge. The recipe is quite simple, you should do exactly the same thing as with rice. With buckwheat lazy cabbage rolls turn out no worse.


This porridge can also be saved by the above methods. There are several other options for getting rid of excess salt. One method involves the use of sugar. Sugar is able to break the saltiness of the dish, thereby improving its taste.

If the salt is found during cooking, a well-known method will help - put rice or flour in a handkerchief or gauze, tie the cloth and drop it into the cooked porridge. The rice or flour should boil with the over-salted dish for 10-15 minutes. After that, you can take out the cloth with the grits.


To save the semolina, there are several ways:

  1. The first is to boil another portion of the same, but do not salt it. After that, you need to mix the two parts of the semolina and enjoy it.
  2. The second is to let the over-salted semolina to make pancakes, pancakes, casseroles and so on.

If the consistency is not so important - add milk, which will make the porridge less salty. You can also sweeten the dish.


The best way to get rid of oversalted pearl porridge is rinsing. This way the excess salt is removed.

Alternatively, you can cook unsalted pearl barley and mix it with over-salted. In this case, the excess porridge can be frozen.

And you can also roast the pearl barley with vegetables or meat - it will be great porridge with a tasty side dish. When cooking it is worth remembering not to add salt, otherwise it will remain over-salted.

When to salt porridge when boiling

Salt the porridge immediately at the beginning of cooking. Even better - add salt to the water, before adding the cereal. This method will help not to over-salt the spice. You will be able to first try the water for the amount of salt, then already pour the groats for cooking. Sugar is added only at the end of cooking if necessary. Once the porridge is ready, you need to cover the pot with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes.

Important! When cooking herculean porridge, it is advisable to salt it already in the finished form, as well as sugar. But it is better to swap sugar for honey or berries, so it will be much healthier and tastier.

«Important: All information on this site is provided solely for introductory purposes. Consult a specialist before applying any recommendations. specialist before you use any of the recommendations. Neither the editors nor the authors shall be liable for any possible harm caused by materials."

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