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How to take the spice out of soup? How to save borscht, soup, uha or kharcho?

It happens that too much pepper and spices are added to a dish. It can happen to both beginners and experienced hostesses because of absent-mindedness. It happens that distracted by the question of homemakers, but the result is deplorable - the soup is too spicy. In order to save it, there are several little culinary tricks.

How to take the spice out of first courses

This is one of the easiest tasks, because the presence of broth and the ability to introduce new ingredients into the soup opens up room for maneuver. The most primitive variant is to take the pot off the fire and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. In this case, some of the spices will settle to the bottom and the situation can be saved by carefully pouring the soup into another container, leaving a little liquid at the bottom. If the measure is taken immediately after the discovery of a culinary mistake, this is enough. When the efforts made did not bring results, you need to look for other options, depending on the recipe of the dish.

How to take the spice out of first courses


In principle, it does not imply a strong spice. In this case, the spices are added at the end of cooking, at the stage of almost complete readiness. It is better to use a measuring jug to eliminate the risk, but if a mistake is made, there are several ways to save the dish:

  1. Add a rich meat broth, previously pouring the cooked dish into another pot and boiling it again.
  2. Dip in the liquid coarsely chopped carrots, which will absorb extra pepper and salt, after 15 minutes of boiling the root vegetable is removed and with it goes extra spice.
  3. Excellent adjusts the taste of fresh beans, pickled from a can is not suitable, it itself is already with salt and spices.


The taste of this dish is initially difficult to trace. If you have already decided to add spices, then do it very carefully. When the hand shook and got an excess of spice, the masters of the kitchen advise:

  1. Put in the broth large pieces of potatoes, carrots or apples without skins, later they are removed, they do not have a cardinal effect on the taste, but the spiciness is eliminated.
  2. You can go to extreme measures, adding to the dish 8 g of granulated sugar and 2.5 ml of table vinegar not higher than 6%, while it is desirable to take a grape or apple product.
  3. Sour cream or cream is ideal, especially if the bitterness is caused by red pepper.


The recipe necessarily includes a complex of spices and garlic. Only experienced hostesses can predict the final flavor variant with strict adherence to the proportions. If the spiciness is slightly embarrassing, onion mixed with half a teaspoon of honey fried until caramelized and golden will help to save the situation. A more neutral option is to add a strong, well-boiled broth. If you need to adjust an already prepared dish, simply put 2 tablespoons of thick sour cream on the plate.


It is difficult to salt or pepper the fish. It is like a sponge, it absorbs all the rich flavors. This should be taken into account before you raise a panic. Nevertheless, if one clearly feels an overabundance of spice, a large carrot dipped in the pot whole will help. Then it goes to waste, having absorbed most of the spice and neutralized it due to the sugar contained in the composition of the root vegetable. There are nuances in using this method. In the half-cooked version, the carrot boils for 10 minutes, in the finished hot soup it is kept for at least half an hour. If there is a lot of fish in the dish, you can simply put the pot aside and cover tightly with a lid for an hour. All excess will be absorbed into the fish flesh.

Tom Yum soup.

More often than not, this item is considered a must in most restaurants and is prepared by professionals. But there is nothing complicated in the recipe, soup with seafood can easily be prepared at home as well. The main thing is to follow the recipe and accurately measure the amount of spices. It is worth taking into account that there are many variants of cooking, as there is no strict standard. You can adjust the spiciness and saturation to your taste. Chili peppers and ginger root are mandatory ingredients. Their taste is not revealed immediately, which is why it is so easy to make a mistake with the dosage. The lack is corrected by adding coconut milk. It is infused in small portions. The sample is taken constantly, otherwise you can completely remove the spiciness. Alternatively, sugar and tomato paste are used. An emergency method is the addition of fresh juice of half a medium-sized lime.

Rules to reduce the spiciness of first courses

Spicy food saves from infectious diseases, increases the level of the hormone endorphin, which is called the hormone of happiness, so when you fail with spices, you should not rush and give up on them, the situation is correctable. It is worth considering that for all broth-based options, approximately the same techniques apply:

  1. Let the dish cool a little and pour it into another container, leaving a sediment of spices at the bottom.
  2. When water is added, at least half the volume of the finished dish is taken, and some of the ingredients, except spices, should also be increased or replaced with fresh potatoes and carrots.
  3. Sour cream and cream are used to soften the spice before serving.
  4. Vinegar is taken only grape or apple, as the most neutral product, the amount - no more than 5 ml.

On the list of the most popular spices for first courses: curry black, hot, Magyar, Mexican and allspice, chili, nutmeg.

How to reduce the spiciness of ajika in soup

The seasoning itself is multi-component and dissolves quickly in liquid, so it is difficult to completely remedy the situation. Nevertheless, if the spiciness is not much more than the desired level, a tablespoon of sour cream is enough. Otherwise, you will have to drain some of the broth and add a new one, put in it at the same time large carrots and boil everything again for about 10 minutes. In an emergency, it is allowed to add 2 cups of water, but the brew will be lost.

How to soften the spice of ginger in first courses

This spice has the most persistent flavor. There are 2 ways out: dilute the broth with water at a ratio of 2:1, or boil rice in it in a cloth bag. It is then removed, on the flavor palette is practically not affected, removing only spice. The same will be served by adding to the menu a slice of bread with butter, if the level of spiciness is not high.

These little tricks will help to save almost any first dish and give it a savory taste by removing the extra spice.

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