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River crayfish: why are they good for the human body, how to cook or boil?

River crayfish are often called the cleanest animals. The most famous representatives of the type of arthropods prefer exclusively clean and fresh water bodies. In addition, they are of great benefit to the ecosystem by clearing the bottom of ponds, lakes and rivers of fallen matter and organic decomposition. And, of course, boiled crayfish are a favorite delicacy for many. Their tender meat is valued not only for its taste, but also for its usefulness.

What crayfish look like and where they live

River crayfish are one of the oldest representatives of the fauna. The predecessors of this crustacean species inhabited water bodies of the Jurassic period. They belong to the class of higher crayfish, which also includes amphipods, shrimps, crabs and woodlice.

The benefits and harms of crayfish

The body of the crayfish consists of 18 segments, which are permanent. Four of them are head segments, eight are thoracic segments, and six are abdominal segments. The thoracic segments of this type of arthropod are fused with the head segments by means of a suture, which is very easy to see from the back. The so-called cephalic thorax is reliably protected by a hard chitinous shell covered with a thick layer of calcium carbonate, which makes the armor of the river crayfish virtually invulnerable.

The crayfish body can reach 30 cm in length, with a minimum size of 13-15 cm. The shell acts as a skeleton for the crustacean, protecting the animal's internal organs. The muscles of the river crayfish are also attached to the chitinous cover. The head segments have 2 pairs of long antennae responsible for touching and smelling. These antennae are covered with fine bristles, and balance receptors are located at their base.

The eyes of the river crayfish are small, but have a rather complicated structure - each consists of more than 3 thousand small eyes. This type of eye structure is called a faceted eye. They are located next to a sharp spike located on the front side of the cephalothorax.

The limbs of the crayfish are pincers and 4 pairs of walking legs. The claws are attached to the thoracic segment. They are used by arthropods to defend themselves from enemies, hunt, and even use them to create offspring. Thanks to their front limbs, the crayfish catches and holds the female.

These animals move with their hind limbs. In addition, these arthropods have small legs on their abdominal segments that help them breathe. With their help, the crayfish bring fresh, oxygen-rich water to their gills.

You can even tell the quality of water in a body of water by the presence of crayfish in it. Many species of these arthropods prefer to exist in impeccably clean water. However, there are types of river crayfish that prefer brackish water, most importantly, with sufficient oxygen concentration. Oxygen starvation for these animals can have dire consequences and even be fatal.

The sense of smell helps crayfish to find food. Representatives of this species of arthropods track enemies just by smell, because they see very badly. Life span of these crayfish is about 35 years.

River dwellers usually choose non-silty bottom to live on. They dig burrows near the shoreline, at a depth of up to 3 m. As a rule, only one crayfish species exists in one lake.


There are currently only 4 species of river crayfish:

  • Narrow-footed;
  • thick-toed;
  • broad-toed;
  • American signal crayfish.

Narrow-toed crayfish can be found in slow-flowing, low-water rivers, small lakes and ponds, the shores of the Caspian and Black Seas. This crustacean species is comfortable in both fresh and brackish water bodies. The body length varies from 16 to 33 cm. The chitinous cover is brown in color from lighter to darker shades. The narrow-clawed crayfish got its name from the shape of its front limbs - narrow and elongated pincers are noticeably elongated. This type of crayfish is the most resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions, so it gets along quite comfortably in low-quality water.

Thick-footed crayfish are currently on the verge of extinction. Every year the number of this species decreases rapidly. The animal lives in crystal-clear water in the coastal areas of the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas. Crayfish of this species are very poorly tolerant of sharp temperature drops. The maximum comfortable temperature for them to last 23-25 ° C. Crayfish are miniature in size. Their body length usually does not exceed 11-12 cm. The shell is greenish-brown in color. The forelimbs are characterized by bifurcation, and the claws are slightly blunt.

Broad-bellied crayfish are considered to be the most common species, but recently there has been a sharp decrease in their population. The animals of this species live exclusively in fresh water reservoirs with clear water. Broad-bellied crayfish can be found practically in all non-stagnant reservoirs with water temperature above 25°С in summer. Their twenty-centimeter body is tinged with olive or brown.

In Russia, the American signal crayfish can be found only in the Kaliningrad Region, but in Europe, the population of this species is growing and spreading with great speed. Brown with blue or reddish hue crayfish are very similar to their "broad-backed" congeners. A spot on the claw joints helps distinguish "Americans": as a rule, it is white or blue. The majority of specimens do not reach more than 10 cm in length, but some representatives of this species may grow to 20-22 cm.

What is the difference between a lobster and a crab

If you do not understand the question, it is easy to confuse river crayfish with lobster. Lobsters, like crayfish, belong to the group of decipedes of the crustacean subtype. It is impossible to list the places where they live - this representative of arthropods can be found all over the world. Unlike river crayfish, lobsters prefer sea water, but also feed on carrion, organic remains and microorganisms. The color of the torso varies from gray to blue-green, and turns red when cooked.

Of course, the main difference between crayfish and lobster is size and weight. The average length of the lobster's torso reaches a length of about 45 cm, but there are also seventy-centimeter individuals of this type of crustacean. A few years ago in Canada, they caught a twenty-kilogram lobster!

The second difference is the habitat. Lobsters live exclusively in salt water. These arthropods also differ in their taste, which can be recognized only by gourmets. The meat of the crayfish has a fresh taste, while the lobster is softer and more savory.

What is the difference between a crab and a crawfish
The body structure of a crayfish and a crab is very similar: four pairs of legs, strong claws, a flat belly and a chitinous shell. The only difference is the shape of the body - the crayfish is more elongated and the crab is round, triangular or square. By the way, it is the shape of the body that allows the crab to move much faster than its congeners.

There are differences in habitat as well. If crabs are very picky when it comes to the choice of habitat, preferring freshwater springs with crystal clear water, crabs are less demanding towards the place of existence. They can be found practically in any body of water, be it sea, lake, pond, river or estuary. Crabs feel comfortable both on the shore and at a depth of 4 km.

Video: Which tastes better: crayfish or lobster Expand

Composition and calories

Crayfish are caught to enjoy the incredibly tasty, tender, savory meat, which is also very useful. Many people include river crayfish in diet diets, because the meat of these arthropods has enough easily digestible protein and fairly low caloric content - only 76 kcal per 100 grams of product.

In addition, this is an excellent source of protein, which in percentage is more than 80%. Also, the meat of river crayfish contains 12% of fats and 7% of carbohydrates. The edible part is also rich in vitamins. Tasting cooked crayfish can saturate the body with vitamin A, thiamine, choline, riboflavin, folate, cobalamin, pyridoxine, phylloquinone and useful trace elements - potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. In addition, crayfish contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6.

What is crayfish good for?

General benefits

Thanks to the high concentration of complete protein, a large number of vitamins and trace elements, crayfish meat is well digested and benefits people suffering from various diseases. If you include this product in your diet, you can noticeably improve your health. Crayfish meat is particularly recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, pancreas and stomach. The use of this dish will help to improve the functioning of the liver and improve kidney function.

What are the benefits of crayfish

Crayfish meat also helps to restore the body after illness and protects against thyroid ailments.

Crayfish is also very widely used in folk medicine. Since ancient times, alcoholic tinctures and decoctions were made from the chitinous shell, which contributed to giving up alcohol and smoking.

For women

The useful properties of the chitinous shell of crayfish have been known for a long time. In ancient times, the cover was ground into a powder, which was poured on fresh wounds for faster healing. Such a powder is made even now to speed up tissue regeneration after breast cancer surgery in women.

The tincture is prepared quite simply. Crayfish shells should be thoroughly washed and dried, then well crushed in a meat grinder or blender. The resulting powder is poured into a container and pour alcohol, insist 2-3 days, after which it is ready for use. Take internally one tablespoon once a day. The therapeutic course should be carried out only once a year for 2 weeks. Naturally, you can take the tincture from the crayfish shell only after completing all surgical interventions and chemotherapy sessions.

For men

Observations of researchers have shown that regular consumption of cooked crayfish meat almost halves the likelihood of bladder tumors and prostate cancer in men. That is why the representatives of the stronger sex are advised to consume this product to prevent these unpleasant ailments.

When pregnant

Many people ask: can I eat crayfish during pregnancy? Yes, if there is no allergy to seafood and no individual intolerance to crayfish meat. In addition, boiled crayfish is even recommended for use by pregnant women because of its high content of vitamins, useful trace elements and lack of cholesterol.

This product will contribute to the good development of the fetus and support the mother's body in a vigorous and active state. Due to the balanced content of nutrients, crayfish meat will help to improve the metabolism and strengthen the immune system, which is so important during pregnancy. Despite the incredible taste qualities of this product, you should still observe moderation in its consumption.

When breastfeeding

Doctors do not recommend women when breastfeeding to eat seafood, including crayfish meat. After all, they contain a lot of toxins that can harm your baby in the first months of life. 7-8 months after the birth of a baby, you need to carefully select the products for your diet, as the baby's body is just beginning to adapt to life. Improper nutrition of the mother may cause a number of ailments, such as severe colic, poisoning, food allergies and upset stomach of the baby.

Enter the daily diet of crawfish meat a woman can only after a year from the birth of her offspring, and only when the child receives a special diet.

Video: 10 tips about the diet of a nursing mother Expand

For kids

Crayfish meat - a favorite treat not only for adults, but also for children. This product can be included in children's diets without hesitation. However, in this case, you need to be more careful in their selection and preparation, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, because children's bodies are the most susceptible to food.

It is best to buy crayfish in summer or fall. At the moment of cooking, crayfish must necessarily be alive and active. Immobility of crayfish means that they are most likely not healthy and will soon die. The meat of these arthropods spoils almost immediately. The meat of dead animals instantly begins to accumulate a harmful substance that, if ingested, can provoke poisoning at best and death at worst.

When losing weight

Because of its low calorie content, high protein content, minimal concentration of fats and carbohydrates, crayfish meat is considered an ideal product for inclusion in dietary diets. In addition, in the process of getting rid of extra pounds many people resort to using chitosan, extracted from the shell of the arthropod. Chitosan is used to prepare preparations for weight loss, as this substance speeds up the metabolism, prevents the body from absorbing fat and helps to eliminate them.

Crayfish in medicine

Crayfish in medicine

In diabetes mellitus

Type II diabetes mellitus is characterized by immune resistance. This means that the pancreas works well, but the cells have an inability to digest glucose. Because of this, its amount in the blood is periodically higher than normal.

This ailment is treatable with a diet that involves including certain foods in the diet and, accordingly, avoiding others. Crawfish meat is also on the list of allowed foods. It is an excellent source of protein, which is desirable in large quantities for diabetes. The main thing is not to go overboard and consume arthropod meat in adequate quantities.

The nutrients contained in this product will help to pass the disease in a milder form. Vitamins and trace elements have an anti-inflammatory effect, help normalize regeneration processes and improve blood flow.

Important: The glycemic index of crawfish is 5 units.

For pancreatitis

With such an unpleasant gastrointestinal disease as pancreatitis, great attention is paid to the patient's diet. It should consist of foods that will not overload and cause irritation to the inflamed pancreas. During an exacerbation of the disease, protein foods are almost completely excluded from the diet. This is especially true for crayfish, because these animals are considered "sanitarians" of rivers and lakes, they eat carrion, respectively, contain toxins.


People suffering from gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases should not abuse crayfish.


Gout is characterized by a disorder of uric acid metabolism in the bone tissues. In order not to provoke an acute form of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. It is better to make a diet of low-calorie products, cooked on steam or in the oven. It is recommended to avoid fried, pickled, salty and fatty foods and sweets.

An ideal dish for gouty people would be boiled crayfish meat due to its low caloric content, high content of vitamins and minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, crayfish contains a carotenoid that helps replace damaged cells with new ones. Because of the high iodine content, the meat of arthropods has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Also the carapace of river crayfish contains chitin that has an antitumor effect and promotes the regeneration of joints and tendons. It is better to eat arthropods with tendons and cartilage, as they contain a high concentration of elements that strengthen bones and joints.

Harms and contraindications

The main contraindication in eating crayfish is not to eat these animals dead. The poison instantly accumulates in the meat of dead crayfish, it spoils very quickly and can cause irreparable damage to the human body.

Also, this delicacy should not be consumed if there has been an allergy or individual intolerance to seafood.

Because of the toxic substances contained in the meat of these animals, you should refrain from eating them nursing mothers and children under the age of three.

How to choose and store

In order to enjoy the most tender crayfish meat without detrimental health consequences, you need to choose them correctly. There are many nuances involved in buying these arthropods.

How to choose and store crayfish

First, no matter where you choose crayfish - at the market, in a fish store, in an online store - you need to ask where the arthropods were fished. If it's ponds, lakes or other reservoirs with standing water, you should not take these crayfish. Their meat does not contain a lot of useful microelements and tastes fresh. It is much better to give preference to crayfish caught in freshwater rivers.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the crayfish. The animals should be active - crawling quickly, fighting with each other, trying to pinch and tuck their tails. Active crayfish are fresh meat. Arthropods that have a sluggish appearance should not be taken. It means they are on the verge of death. Crayfish meat spoils very quickly and it is easy to get seriously poisoned.

Thirdly, one should look at the water in which the crayfish are kept. It must be clear! Sellers must change water as often as possible, so as not to let the animals suffocate. Oxygen deprivation is fatal for these arthropods.

The optimum size for crayfish - about 20 cm in length, weight - more than 100 g. Smaller crayfish should not be bought - it means that they lived near the coast, where there was little food. Therefore, their meat contains fewer vitamins and tastes worse.

It is important to take the crayfish by the back so that it cannot pinch a person with its claws. Flexibility is not about crayfish. Therefore, by grabbing this animal between the head and tail, you can avoid being pinched by a crayfish claw.

Storing crayfish
As you know, crayfish are cooked exclusively alive. Therefore, it is important to get them to the right place and cook them as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to choose a suitable container.

This can be, for example, a container of plastic, ceramic or glass with river water. The container should be deep. After placing live crustaceans in it, the container should be covered with a lid with ventilation. It is important to remember that arthropods categorically can not be stored in aluminum cookware because of the oxidation processes of metals, which can significantly reduce the shelf life.

Also for transportation of live crayfish you can use a wooden or cardboard box. It is enough to put soaked towel on the bottom, but it is better to store crayfish in this way no more than 3 hours.

Just caught crayfish can be preserved with a metal net. The catch should be placed on it and placed in the water. In this way, the crustaceans will stay in full health for 7-8 hours.

These representatives of arthropods can also be transported in an ordinary canvas bag. The main thing is to wet it beforehand and keep it away from direct sunlight.

Hungry, the crayfish can start to eat each other. To avoid this, it's better to provide them with food beforehand. Raw potatoes, meat, tiny fish, pea stalks and even chopped nettles are perfect for feeding them.

A large number of crayfish can be kept fresh by placing them in a bathtub. The main thing is not to forget to change the water regularly and provide the arthropods with food. Do not want to occupy the tub with animals? A fridge will do a good job with storage. To do this, you should rinse the river dwellers well under running water, put them in a glass container and cover them with a wet towel. However, you should not leave them on the refrigerator shelf for a long time. It is better to look in the container regularly to check the condition of the arthropods and remove dead crustaceans.

Can I freeze?

Of course, the maximum gastronomic pleasure can be obtained only from freshly cooked, flavored crayfish. But what to do if there is no possibility to cook them in the next few days? The answer is simple - you can freeze crayfish. However, in order to ensure that the taste quality of arthropods is affected as little as possible, you should take into account a number of nuances.

Before the freezing process the temperature of the water in which the crayfish are kept should be gradually reduced from positive to zero. Then pour the contents of the container into a bag for freezing, which is sent to the freezer, set to a temperature no higher than -19 ° C. If done correctly, you can store fresh crayfish for several months.

However, remember that after defrosting you can cook only lively specimens, the percentage of which will not exceed 40%. Dead crayfish should be thrown out at once.

If there are a lot of cooked crayfish left after the feast, they can also be frozen. It is better to do this in the liquid in which the arthropods were boiled. Of course, you cannot fully preserve flavor and taste of river inhabitants. In addition, crayfish meat will lose some moisture and become "rubbery".

How to clean and eat crayfish correctly

The most delicate meat of crayfish is considered a delicacy. But if one doesn't know how to peel crayfish correctly, one can safely get rid of most of their edible flesh. After all, not only crayfish neck is edible, but also elements of claws. Only the chitinous cover and internal organs of the arthropod should be sent to the garbage can.

Of course, you can get rid of the excess before cooking, but it is better not to do so. Before cooking, you should only thoroughly rinse the crayfish and remove their innards. To get rid of the internal organs is very simple. To do this, you need to twist the crayfish tail a little and gently pull it along with the intestines. This will get rid of the pungent swamp smell that accompanies arthropods during cooking. During cooking, you can spice the crayfish with various spices and spices, making the taste of the meat more pronounced and spicy.

Cleaning crayfish consists of several stages. First, you need to tear off the crayfish legs. They contain meat, which is extracted from there by squeezing. Next, open the claws. It is better to resort to the help of scissors, opening the front limbs carefully, because there is a lot of appetizing meat. Then separate the crayfish tit from the abdomen. To do this, you need to break the shell by pulling it in opposite directions. The reward will be a tasty and healthy fat layer of whitish color. Next, remove the gills and, finally, take the meat out of the crayfish belly. This part is also called the crawfish neck - the most delicious element of this delicacy.

Video: How to eat crayfish properly Expand

How to cook crayfish: Recipes

How to cook crayfish

In the oven

There are many ways to cook crayfish in the oven, but one of the most popular dishes is baked crayfish in a milk sauce.

For this dish, you will need the following list of products:

  • 10-12 large boiled crayfish;
  • 100 grams of mushrooms;
  • 50g of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 300 l of milk;
  • 30-40 grams of hard cheese;
  • A pinch of ground red pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin wheat flour;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.

The algorithm for baking crayfish in milk sauce is quite simple. First you need to boil the arthropods in salted water for half an hour. Send a dry deep frying pan to a medium heat. After heating, pour flour into it and dry it for a minute without turning it golden. Once the flour has cooled, mix it with the heated milk. Add sugar and salt to the resulting mixture, and put the pan back on the stove. Heat the contents on low heat for no more than 15 minutes, stirring regularly with a spoon. Strain the ready sauce through ordinary gauze or a special sieve to get rid of lumps. After straining, send the mixture back on the fire and warm it for 10 minutes on a low heat. Next, divide the sauce in half and pour into two separate containers.

After peeling, cut the mushrooms into small cubes. In a separate frying pan over medium heat, melt some of the prepared butter, in which to fry the mushrooms. Melt the other half of the butter also, but in the microwave.

In one half of the milk and flour sauce, add fried mushrooms, melted butter and red pepper - all mixed together.

Cut the boiled crayfish and peel them according to all canons, leaving only the edible flesh, which is stuffed with mushrooms in the milk and flour sauce. Put the stuffed arthropods on a baking tray, pour the second half of milk mixture and sprinkle with hard cheese grated in thin julienne.

Send the baking dish in a preheated oven (180-200 degrees) for 20-25 minutes. The dish is ready.

In the pan

Nowadays, many housewives depart from the classic method of cooking crayfish and resort to ornate recipes. One of the most delicious dishes is crayfish fried in its own juice with a bouquet of spices.


  • 1 kg of fine crayfish;
  • 100 grams of soy sauce;
  • 1 packet of butter;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon paprika;
  • Greens (parsley, green onions, dill, etc.);
  • 1 tablespoon salt.

Before cooking, it is necessary to prepare the crayfish. For this dish, take fresh individuals, cleaned of sand and algae. Also remove the internal organs. Send a frying pan to a high heat. In melted butter, fry minced garlic for 2-3 minutes. Place the crayfish in the boiling oil, cover everything with a lid.

Stir the contents regularly. It is necessary to ensure that the crayfish is evenly fried on all sides. After 7-8 minutes of cooking, spices and salt should be added to the pan, and after another 10 minutes chopped herbs. All in all, the skillet is to simmer on the heat for 25-30 minutes. As the dish is ready, add a few spoons of fragrant soy sauce. Then let the dish cool for a couple of minutes and serve.

On the grill

They say the tastiest crayfish come out on the grill. Bake them for 20-30 minutes at 230 degrees.


  • 1 kg of large river crayfish;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 150g butter;
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • A pinch of salt and ground pepper.

Representatives of arthropods should be well washed under running water, cleaned of veins and remove the guts. Each fish should be cut in half lengthwise. Prepare the sauce in advance. For this purpose, in a bowl mix butter with minced garlic, soy sauce and lemon juice. Combine the mixture with a pinch of ground pepper and salt. Place the river dwellers on the bottom rack of the grill, belly down, smear the sauce on top. Cook the crayfish for a quarter of an hour, spread the sauce and cook for 10 minutes more.

On the grill

What could be better and more sophisticated than crayfish cooked on a fire? A gastronomic masterpiece! Dizzying aroma, amazing taste of this dish does not leave indifferent. Crayfish on the barbecue can delight even true gourmets. The classic recipe for this dish is not complicated. For cooking we will need the following products:

  • 1 kg of large (preferably) crayfish;
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • black pepper by hand;
  • dill;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • lemon.

Put a large cauldron with water on the fire. Throw spices, squeeze lemon juice and add salt to the boiling water. Then start arthropods. Cook until ready and serve.

In multicooker

Flavorful crayfish without the trouble and hassle. Perhaps the easiest way to prepare river arthropods is in a multicooker.


  • 30 large fresh crayfish;
  • 3-5 bay leaves;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 3 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 teaspoon peppercorns;
  • half a lemon.

In the multicooker pour the spices: allspice, salt and bay leaf. Put the crayfish, on top sprinkle chopped greens and lemon. Dill seeds are also useful, they will add spice to the dish. Pour boiling water over the ingredients.

Leave the multicooker in the "Stew" mode for an hour. When everything is cooked, leave the lid of the multicooker open for a few minutes so that the crayfish can still stand in the fragrant broth. The dish is ready.

How to cook crayfish at home

The most traditional and favorite recipe of hostesses is boiled crayfish. However, there are several cooking secrets, adhering to which you can prepare the most tender crayfish meat.

How to boil crayfish

Before cooking you should leave the arthropods for an hour in milk, which will make the meat softer and juicier. Of course, you should wash and clean them well before cooking.

Add 2-3 spoons of salt, dill, a few peas of oregano and bay leaves to the boiling water. When the boiling water is saturated with the aroma of spices, you can launch the crayfish. They are usually cooked for 15-20 minutes. After the shell has turned a deep red color, remove the pot from the fire, but it is too early to take the crayfish out - they need to wait.

Serve the crayfish with dill, parsley and any other herbs. The dish can be garnished with lemon slices and olives.

Lately, they often depart from this classic recipe. They boil crayfish in beer, pan-fry, bake in the oven and grill them in a different way.

How to eat crayfish properly

  1. Break off the claws to get the meat out of them. If they are small, just squeeze the meat out with your teeth.
  2. Take out, if there is any, the edible roe from under the neck.
  3. Next, suck out the broth that is between the calf and the shell.
  4. At the very end, separate the shell, take out the stomach. The liver can also be eaten.
  5. At the end, peel and eat the crawfish neck.
Video: How to properly and how long to boil crayfish Expand

Interesting Facts

  1. The veins of the river crayfish have blue-colored blood flowing through them.
  2. Lucien Olivier added a dozen boiled crayfish to the original version of the Olivier salad he invented.
  3. Until a few years ago, it was thought that crayfish felt nothing in the boiling process. However, this was not true - the arthropods experience incredible agony in boiling water.
  4. Jews do not eat crayfish; arthropods are a forbidden food for them.

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