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Spinach in pregnancy: benefits and harms

Spinach has recently been frequently mentioned in various sources as a very valuable natural food. And the expert opinion boils down to the fact that this vegetable crop can take an honorable place as a basic product in the diet of pregnant women. Given the fact that for us this kind of leafy lettuce is not as familiar as, for example, native parsley and dill, there are quite reasonable questions regarding the presence of spinach in the diet of future mothers. After all, the main task of any woman in the coming months is to create the most favorable conditions for the new life developing in her body. Any error in diet during this critical period may end tragically. Therefore, every woman for the sake of the future child is ready to endure any deprivation and strict compliance with the Spartan diet.

Of course, for the willingness to make sacrifices future mothers can be commended, but in addition to the traditional fruits and milk, in their diet should appear daily vegetables and greens. And spinach is the most nutritious type among leafy vegetables. For its unique vitamin composition, the French gave it the title of "vegetable king". Therefore, to refuse such a useful greens at a time when the body needs support, at least, is unwise. We will try to uncover the secrets of this unique vegetable, which was born in the East, but has become an integral part of the European cuisine. We will tell you what is spinach useful for women in the position, in what form it is better to eat it, how to choose a quality product, under what conditions to store it.

Is it possible to eat spinach during pregnancy

Spinach does not belong to new types of culture. The "green hand", as the Persians called this amazing vegetable, appeared on the planet in ancient times. But the humble leaf lettuce served mankind faithfully, without striving for fame. But one day spinach still managed to be on top of success. It happened when an American cartoon about the heroic adventures of the sailor Papaya was released. In difficult situations, this cute cartoon character always tucked into canned spinach to gain strength. And this ingenuous plot reflects the truth, because the salad vegetable has a rich composition, in which the lion's share of proteins.

Spinach during pregnancy

Spinach appears before all other vegetable crops, and its availability allows a wide range of people to meet the need for fresh vegetables. Nutritionists and doctors believe that this kind of vegetable salad should be a must in the diet of future mothers, because it can become a constant source of vitamins and essential mineral elements. If we consider that spinach is versatile in culinary terms, its value as a food increases multiply. The greens have a small list of limitations, but their benefits for the mother's body and the developing fetus are enormous.

Important: Spinach has a high content of folic acid, an organic compound, the lack of which leads to developmental abnormalities in the fetus.

In the early term

Medics believe that spinach is especially useful in early pregnancy. After conception, when all the resources of the future mother's body are directed to support the fetus, the vegetable will become a reliable source of iodine, an element that can regulate the hormonal background. Iron is necessary for the transport of oxygen to the tissues, and the hemoglobin values depend on its content. In cooperation with folic acid, iron prevents the development of anemia. Vitamin A will alleviate toxicosis, which bothers most women in the first trimester of pregnancy. In general, the whole complex of substances contained in spinach will contribute to the proper laying of organs and systems of the fetus.

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2nd trimester

In the second trimester, when the troubles associated with toxicosis recede, it is necessary to compensate for the losses after this condition. And here again spinach will be an indispensable product. Fresh greens promotes a good assimilation of meat dishes, can quickly make up for the vitamin deficit, which is often observed in the middle of gestation. During this period, edema begins to appear, and the vegetable has a moderate diuretic effect. Probably the most important advantage of any vegetable is its rich taste. Spinach is able to make a harmonious alliance with many products. Therefore, in order to diversify the diet of a pregnant woman, this vegetable is ideal.

3rd trimester

In late pregnancy, spinach leaves can help with intestinal problems that plague most women. In the last three months, the fetus is gaining weight intensively, so the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the pelvic organs. The intestines get their share of suffering. The green vegetable contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which improves intestinal motility. Given the low caloric value of spinach, which is 23 units, such an addition to the diet will not contribute to weight gain. Of course, you need to remember that even very useful products should be consumed in reasonable limits.

Useful tip: In order not to seek out a useful vegetable in stores, you can grow it in the country house or at home on the windowsill. This culture is not demanding to living conditions, and most importantly - very quickly gives a vitamin crop.

How to eat spinach correctly

Juicy spinach leaves are ideal for the menu of future mothers. In principle, it is a versatile product that can be consumed in a variety of ways. Let's consider the most attractive options:

How to eat spinach

  1. In its pure form, the garden vegetable is much healthier than after heat treatment. It retains its fully valuable composition.
  2. As part of salads, the pleasant taste of greens will emphasize the merits of even the most humble snack. It is best to combine spinach with other vegetables: tomatoes, sweet peppers, cabbage.
  3. First of all, first of all, green soup puree. Such a nourishing and tasty dish will fit perfectly into the menu of the future mother.
  4. Second dishes. It is best to add spinach to meat, so that the heavier product is more quickly absorbed. A pregnant woman will be pleased with an omelet with leafy lettuce. This is a great option for a classic nutritious breakfast. You can mashed potato the vegetable and then serve it as a side dish.

Useful vegetable can be used as a medicine. Expectant mothers are prone to colds, and they can not take medication. If fresh spinach juice is mixed in equal amounts with almond oil, you get a natural preventive remedy that will help strengthen the immune system. Many ladies in the "position" suffer from bleeding gums. If you rinse your mouth with fresh spinach juice, this problem will disappear without a trace. By the way, the porridge from the vegetable will save from mosquito bites. The greens of the vegetable are often used in home cosmetology, which will also be useful for future mothers. After all, even in the "interesting" position, any woman wants to look attractive, and with the help of the green vegetable you can get rid of freckles and age spots.

Since we are talking about the culinary use of garden products, it is worth recalling what leaf lettuce is combined with. Spinach is good in a union with cheese and cream, chopped finely leaves can be decorated with unsweetened yogurt. The delicate flavor of young leaves will adorn homemade baked goods. From fresh juicy leaves you can squeeze juice or prepare a vitamin mousse - very fresh and unusual option for the menu.

Warning: Meals prepared with spinach should not be reheated, because the nitrates contained in the leaves will turn into nitrites during heat treatment, which are dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother.

How much you can eat per day

Regardless of the method of consumption, pregnant women are allowed to include spinach dishes or eat fresh herbs in the menu no more than four times a week. At the same time, a single serving should not exceed 200 grams. According to nutritionists, this amount of vitamin vegetable is enough to satisfy the daily requirement of the body of the future mother in vitamins and minerals. It is important to remember that after heat treatment, dishes with spinach should be consumed immediately. Therefore, it is not recommended to prepare such food in advance.

Can I Eat Spinach at Night and on an empty stomach?

In addition to the fact that spinach is a universal food, it can be eaten at any time of the day. Only vegetable juice is better to drink after breakfast, because on an empty stomach has an irritating effect oxalic acid, which is contained in large quantities in the crop. Spinach can be stewed with vegetables for dinner; it does not overload the digestive system. But it is still better not to risk with the consumption of such dishes before going to bed, because they stimulate intestinal peristalsis and may cause increased gas formation.

Rules of choice and storage of vegetable products

Based on the main rule that in the diet of the future mother should be only products of excellent quality, you need to know how not to make a mistake when choosing spinach. After all, stale greens will not only spoil the dish, but can harm the health of the future mother. Of course, the safest will be the vegetable grown by own efforts. But if there is no such a possibility, you should pay attention to the following indicators when choosing a product in the store:

How to choose and store spinach

  1. Color. It should be bright and saturated. Uniform coloring of lettuce indicates that it has recently hit the counter.
  2. Smell. Spinach does not have a bright aroma, but it has a pleasant enough smell of fresh herbs.
  3. Texture. Fresh lettuce leaves crunch if you squeeze them a little with your fingers. Such a sign indicates that the freshness of the product does not exceed 12 hours.
  4. The absence of stains and traces of damage. This will also confirm the quality of the product.

In what form to store the greens
Spinach is best not stored, but consumed immediately. But not always the stock of greens can be used for cooking. In such a situation, you can do the following:

  1. Dry the salad, and then add as a seasoning to soups, meat dishes and salads. In this form, the vegetable can be stored for up to two years.
  2. Frozen greens, although they lose their flavor, but the vitamin set remains in full preservation. Frozen spinach can also be added to various dishes and snacks. But after defrosting, do not re-send the vegetable to the freezer. Such a product can be stored for up to four months. Before putting it into the freezer, the leaves should be washed, dried, packed in bags.
  3. Frozen puree. A pregnant woman can prepare a half-finished product of fresh leaves. To do this, you need to boil the processed greens, chop them in a blender. Then distribute the resulting mass in disposable cups, cover with food film, send it to the freezer for storage. A very convenient option that will provide pregnant women with vitamin products for three months.

Fresh herbs can be stored for up to two days in a paper bag at +5.

Important point: it is better not to wash lettuce leaves after purchase, if they could not be used up immediately. After water treatment, the shelf life of the vegetable is reduced to one day.

The benefits of spinach in pregnancy

It is worth noting that in European countries spinach is in great demand. Dishes of leafy greens are served in elite restaurants, the vegetable is loved by housewives. In the post-Soviet countries spinach is more popular among supporters of natural diet and those who care about their figure. However, athletes and nutritionists do not ignore this useful vegetable. Indeed, this crop has something to be proud of. After all, none of the greens and vegetables does not have such a rich composition as spinach.

The benefits of spinach during pregnancy

Chemical composition
Fresh leaves contain almost all known vitamins and a considerable part of elements from the Mendeleev Table. Since a complete listing of all the components would take a long time, let's name the ones that form the basis of the chemical formula:

  1. Folic acid (vitamin B9). We have already talked about the properties of this substance above. The value of spinach is that this important vitamin is absorbed by the body by almost 90%. This is the advantage of fresh greens compared to capsule preparations.
  2. Ascorbic acid protects blood vessels, increases immune protection, and is necessary for fetal growth and development.
  3. Retinol (vitamin A) is useful for vision and skin condition.
  4. Tocopherol has powerful antioxidant activity, stimulates the regeneration process.
  5. Vitamin K. Spinach - a record-breaker in the content of this component. This vitamin is a regulator of the heart, it is necessary for muscle tissues.
  6. Calcium. This mineral is most needed by the body of the future mother, because it is the main building material of the child's bone system. The level of calcium determines the clotting of the blood.
  7. Iodine in sufficient quantities provides normal thyroid function. With a deficit of this element can develop placental insufficiency and even cretinism in the child.
  8. Iron. Its share in the composition of spinach is almost a third. Therefore, this vegetable is considered the best natural preventive measure against anemia.
  9. Protein (also necessary for the formation of fetal organs).
  10. Fiber. There is a lot of it in fresh spinach greens. Plant fibers facilitate the excretion of toxic products from the body and improve intestinal function.

Useful properties
Spinach is equally useful for children and adults, and for future mothers its benefits in general can hardly be overestimated. The main advantage of the crop is that it is quickly absorbed by the body. Through the placenta all the nutrients go to the fetus, ensuring its full development. We have already mentioned many useful properties of the vegetable, but this is not a complete list of the merits of green salad leaves. It is worth adding the following abilities of spinach:

  1. Is an excellent antioxidant, quickly cleanses the body of toxic products.
  2. Normalizes blood composition, supports hemoglobin levels.
  3. Strengthens teeth, cleanses the mouth from pathogens.
  4. Has a pronounced anticarcinogenic activity, preventing the development of tumors.
  5. Improves the urinary system, as it is a good diuretic.
  6. Prevents constipation thanks to the fiber content.
  7. Prevents bone tissue from calcium leaching.
  8. Helps control weight.
  9. Stimulates the cardiovascular system.

As you can see, the track record of spinach is quite impressive. Therefore, this vegetable today enjoys incredible popularity not only in the field of dietetics, but also in home nutrition. High nutritional value combined with low calories allows future mothers to use this useful vegetable at all stages of pregnancy. After all, in terms of protein content, this crop can be compared with beans, which are known to be close to meat in this indicator. Therefore, a pregnant woman can, without detriment to the diet, sometimes replace meat dishes with spinach snacks.

In addition, the vegetable is on the list of products with the right carbohydrates. Its glycemic index is 15, which allows you to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

An interesting historical fact: at the end of the XIX century, there was a mishap, thanks to which for almost a century spinach was mistakenly considered a record-breaker in iron content. It happened because one researcher put a comma in the wrong place. He simply did not put the right sign between the two digits in the 29 mg figure. Interestingly, the second scientist got a different result - 35 mg, but also forgot to put the unfortunate comma.

Can spinach harm the future mother?

Spinach, as any other product, can harm only in one case - when it is consumed inordinately. If you adhere to the norms, you can enjoy delicious and healthy dishes with the addition of this unique vegetable. However, there are a number of contraindications, which should always be taken into account when a future mother wants to include spinach greens in her diet. It is categorically forbidden to consume the vegetable products in the following pathologies:

  • urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • liver disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • ulcers;
  • hypertension;
  • biliary tract pathology;
  • individual intolerance;
  • edema.

The significant content of oxalic acid in fresh spinach greens makes pregnant women to be careful with it. The fact is that this acid is dangerous for the health of the kidneys and liver. Therefore, any, even a very tasty dish should be eaten in moderation. It should also be borne in mind that protein in large quantities can provoke an allergic reaction. But if you approach the use of a unique vegetable rationally, then even a strict menu of a pregnant woman can diversify the following culinary delights:

  • Pies with spinach filling;
  • diet omelet;
  • vegetable casserole;
  • a vitamin smoothie.

From spinach you can prepare a delicious dressing for second courses and sauce, the vegetable is good as an ingredient for sandwiches.

Recipes with spinach

And now some original recipes for enriching the diet of pregnant women.

Recipes with spinach


This light dish is ideal for breakfast. It is easy and pleasant to cook it, if you have the following set of products in the kitchen:

  • onion - 1 pc;
  • spinach;
  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • nonfat milk - 50 ml;
  • any oil - 15 ml.

In principle, you can prepare an omelet with spinach in the same sequence as an ordinary egg dish:

  1. First, in a separate bowl, whip the raw eggs with milk, salt.
  2. Prepare the vegetables: chop spinach and onion.
  3. Heat a frying pan, pour the oil.
  4. The first thing to do is to pour eggs whipped with milk, and after a minute send the greens.
  5. To make a beautiful dish, distribute the greens evenly using a wooden spatula.
  6. Cook over low heat. After 3 minutes, gently flip the omelette to the other side.
  7. Cook in the same mode for another minute.

The dish is best eaten immediately after removing from the stove.

Mashed spinach

This dish is a huge success with women who like to sit on a diet. Although it is contraindicated for future moms to carry out unloading days, but for a figure even in such an interesting position, too, you need to watch.

To prepare the flavorful vegetable puree you will need:

  • spinach - 200 g (you can use fresh lettuce or frozen stock).
  • butter - 20 g;
  • wheat flour - 10-15 grams;;
  • cream - 150 ml;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

  1. Hold the lettuce leaves over steam for a couple of minutes to soften them.
  2. Then melt the butter in a pan, add the flour. Fry the mixture, stirring constantly.
  3. Then pour in the cream. When the mixture thickens, add the spinach.
  4. Cook for 2 more minutes, then add salt.
  5. Chop the mixture in a blender and put it on a plate.

Use this mashed potatoes as a separate dish or with meat.

As we can see, spinach in culinary terms is capable of much. And if you add to its gastronomic properties more medicinal qualities, then the humble culture may well take the place of the main assistant for the future mother during pregnancy. Interestingly, the rich green color of the vegetable provides chlorophyll. In the process of heat treatment this element is converted into the active substance - pheophytin, which participates in the process of hematopoiesis. It is this component that helps to avoid the development of anemia.

We have told a lot of interesting things about the possibilities of such a unique vegetable crop as spinach. Reminiscent of a succulent grass, the plant has a modest appearance, but behind the unpresentable appearance there is a real wealth. When regularly consumed in appropriate quantities, spinach will bring enormous benefits to the body of the woman and unborn child. The vegetable will help to balance the diet and maintain the figure. Special attention should be paid to it by women who have diabetes. The low glycemic index and the ability to quickly convert carbohydrates into energy will help such a woman to safely endure the difficulties of pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

«Important: All information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. purposes. Consult with your health care professional before applying any recommendations. professional before using them. Neither the editors nor the authors shall be liable for any possible harm caused by materials."

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